Sara Wiser
Actor, Singer-Songwriter, Playwright, Director, Poet, Teaching Artist
out now on all streaming platforms
click a link to listen
KING LEAR - Kingsmen Shakespeare Company
Directed by Michael Arndt
“Everyone in this play is absolutely brilliant. Each role is given the same level of thoughtfulness, each actor forming their particular characters piece of the puzzle with eminence and rigor.” - NOHO Arts District
"KING LEAR" - NOHO Arts District
"The Apocalypse Is Here in Kingsmen Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’" - CLU News and Features
"Kingsmen return with 'Two Gentlemen of Verona', 'King Lear'" - VC Reporter
"Post Apocalyptic 'King Lear' staged at California Lutheran University" - VC Star
July 21st - Aug 6th, 2023
TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA - Kingsmen Shakespeare Company
Directed by Brett Elliott & Caitlin Arndt
“Everyone is brilliant, from the smallest of roles to the leads. The company is completely simpatico and the effect of all this fusion is sublime. It’s a fast-moving play, with twists and turns and robbers and plotters, but it’s romantic and hopeful and it all works out in the end…thankfully. I find myself looking for hopeful, healing stories lately, with everything going on in the world…and this play, by the wonderful Kingsmen players, is absolutely perfect!” - NOHO Arts District
June 7th - July 16th, 2023